COVID – 19

We take it seriously and safeguard your health

Your Safety Is Our Top Priority

For concerns that are best handled through a face-to-face visit, know that we are taking every precaution to ensure our facilities and caregivers are as safe as possible.

Here is what you can expect during your visit:

Everyone wears a mask

If you do not have your own cloth face covering, a disposable mask will be provided to you for a nominal fee. Please wear this face covering at all times while you are in our facilities, unless otherwise instructed by your care team.

Hand hygiene is encouraged. Please sanitize your hands upon arriving for your appointment.

Patients, visitors and staff members are screened

Patients are first screened over the phone prior to their visit and again upon entering our facilities with temperature and pulse oximetry testing as well as a questionnaire. If you show any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 during the screens, appropriate steps will be taken to prevent transmission to others. Additionally, our doctor and staff are screened prior to reporting to work to ensure they do not have any COVID-19 symptoms.

We practice social distancing

In support of social distancing, we will limit your time spent in waiting rooms and other public spaces to the best of our ability. We have also arranged our public spaces to promote social distancing. As you move about our facilities, please keep a safe, six-foot distance from others to the greatest extent possible.

We limit the number of people

Our facility follows the guidance from the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). We ask that only the patient enter the building for their exam.

High standards of cleanliness

Our already high standards of cleanliness have been enhanced, with deep cleaning and disinfecting of all areas. Examination and procedure rooms are cleaned and disinfected between every patient. Public spaces are cleaned regularly throughout the day and each evening.

When should you see your primary care doctor and reschedule?

If you have experienced fever, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, have tested positive for COVID-19, or have been exposed to an individual with known COVID-19 please contact your primary care doctor and reschedule your appointment with us.

Contact Us

* All indicated fields must be completed.
Please include non-medical questions and correspondence only.

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Our office will be closed December 24 & December 25 so we can enjoy time with our family and friends!
Thank you!

Christmas decoration frame with copy space on black background

Our office will be closed December 31 & January 1, so we can enjoy time with our family and friends!
Thank you!
